Namya Khan

Namya Khan

Developer ✧ Designer ✧ Maker
40 points
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Namya Khan
NoirFolio - A Sleek Portfolio Template for Modern Creatives. This sleek portfolio template lets you show off your work, write blogs, and sell products effortlessly. Demo →
NoirFolio PortFolio Template
NoirFolio PortFolio Template
Showcase work, write blogs & sell online
Namya Khan
A comprehensive and user-friendly guide designed to kickstart your journey into frontend development.
Frontend Developer Checklist
Frontend Developer Checklist
Jumpstart frontend dev with our concise, user-friendly guide
Namya Khan
- ResumeRevamp Kit transforms your job search. - Professionally designed resume templates for Figma. - 4 fully editable templates to choose from. - 8 additional template images for inspiration. - User-friendly customization with Figma.
ResumeRevamp Kit
ResumeRevamp Kit
Professional Resume Templates for Figma
Namya Khan
Immerse yourself in tranquil background sounds & stay focused with the help of an integrated Pomodoro timer & convenient to-do list. Say goodbye to scattered thoughts & hello to a more relaxed & efficient coding experience.
Relax & code with ambient sounds, a timer & to-do list
Namya Khan
Replace the new tab page with a personal dashboard to help you get focused and keep you motivated with motivational Quran Ayahs.

What if every new tab could calm your mind and increase your Motivation? Halal Tab is there for you.
Halal Tab
Halal Tab
Halal Replacement of Chrome New Tab