Mustafa Ekim

Mustafa Ekim

Entrepreneur & Coder
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Mustafa Ekim
Organizations of any size use Test Invite to conduct professional exams online. Question Bank, Video Monitoring, Random Questions, Shuffling, Time Limits, Multiple-Step assessments are among the features that make Test Invite a unique exam solution.
Test Invite
Test Invite
Professional online exams & assessments
Mustafa Ekim

Peop.Live is a realtime audience response system. Used mainly during events, broadcasts, conferences, presentations, meetings ... allows the speaker to ask realtime questions to the audience and vice versa. Instant Q&As and polls make all kind of events more interactive. It's free for personal use, have a try!

Peop.Live: Realtime Audience Response System
Peop.Live: Realtime Audience Response System
Connect with your audience through live Q&A's and live Polls
Mustafa Ekim

QuizCV offers an online platform that is very easy to use, for managing the whole examination process online.

The online exam editor lets you create any type of quiz, test or exam within minutes. You can ask questions that require both user selection or input. You can both measure any kind of qualification and collect data within the same questionnaire.

Once you are ready with the exam content, different types of "Collectors" allow you to implement different strategies for collecting responses. For instance you can create a link constant URL that once clicked, directs everyone to the exam page. Or, you can create multiple unique URL that each can be used only once.

QuizCV is an enterprise solution. You can import your users, assign exam and get even the raw data of the examinations, including view/click analytics.

Last but not least, QuizCV is developed with the latest technologies like Angular, Java/Spring, MongoDB ... There is an active development team behind. So if you think your company need something even more custom or integrated, you can contact us.

QuizCV Online Exam Platform
Create online exams, invite people, get the reports