Thanh Pham

Thanh Pham

iOS & Roku Developer
14 points
All activity
Thanh Pham
ARM7TDMI Disassembler
ARM7TDMI Disassembler
Linux & Windows disassembler for ARM7TDMI
Thanh Pham

An iOS switch control implemented in Swift with full Interface Builder support.

iOS fully customizable UI component for binary choice
Thanh Pham

UITextField-Navigation adds next, previous and done buttons to the keyboard for your UITextFields and UITextViews. It allows you to specify a next field either on the Interface Builder or programmatically. Then, you can access next and previous fields of each UITextField or UITextView easily.

The UI is highly customizable.

Easy navigation between UITextFields on iOS form
Thanh Pham

Coin Price Bar shows realtime prices of popular cryptocurrencies on your MacBook Touch Bar.

Supported cryptocurrencies:

- Bitcoin

- Bitcoin Cash

- Ethereum

- Litecoin

- Ripple


The app runs in background and can be accessed anywhere by tapping the ₿ icon on the Touch Bar Control Strip.

Coin Price Bar
Coin Price Bar
Cryptocurrency prices on your MacBook touch bar