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Denis Shilov
Synthical is an AI-powered platform for researchers to read and discuss papers, create collections, share highlights and notes, and follow latest research by the best scientists in the world.
Research faster
Denis Shilov
Synthical is an app to discover, learn, and share research. Simplify articles to understand complex terms, get cool recommendations, search for similar articles, and easily collaborate with the team.
Synthical: Science, Simplified
Synthical: Science, Simplified
Discover, learn & share research, made easy with our AI
Denis Shilov
Denis Shilov
started a discussion

What is the worst part of fundraising for you as a founder?

I feel that the worst part of fundraising is researching investors and their portfolio, but I'd love to know your thoughts! I'm Denis, maker of It is an app that uses AI and a database of 250,000 investors to help you fundraise. The process is as simple as possible: 1. Describe your startup idea. 2. Get a list of your competitors. 3. Get a list...
Denis Shilov
Analyze 250,000 investors. Find Best VCs. Uncover competitors. Just describe your startup idea, and our AI will do the rest.
Top VC Funds
One AI app for the best fundraising experience
Denis Shilov
Denis Shilov
left a comment
Looks amazing and waiting for lip sync 🚀
Rask AI
Rask AI
Say it in any language, AI based, sounds as good as a human