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Mert Eskinat
Baraj acts as a gatekeeper for your app usage. It connects with your smartphone and allows you to manage access to your apps through a simple tap.
Smartphone Gatekeeper
Mert Eskinat
LandIndex Pro is designed to be totally user-friendly and its database is updated every single minute. If you are looking into buying, renting, visiting digital land, be sure to get LandIndex Pro and use the best web3 tool for the right land investment.
Land Index
Land Index
Provides digital land prices, analytics and resources
Mert Eskinat
Mert Eskinat
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Land Index
Land Index
Provides digital land prices, analytics and resources
Mert Eskinat
It is an Artificial Intelligence and human harmony-based application which can let you explore live streams, share yours and find influencers in your industry quickly. Multiple search criteria can let you find what exactly you are looking for instantly.
Live streaming database