Matt Shelton

Matt Shelton

Author, Marketer, Product Creator
4 points
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Matt Shelton
As a freelancer, feel empowered to implement time blocking into your business, boosting revenue by 8-27% by enabling more focused, efficient work. Bundle includes a CRM Dashboard, Invoice Generator, Mood & Habit Tracker, and more to create more time for you!
Time Blocking - Notion Freelance Bundle
Time Blocking - Notion Freelance Bundle
Boost revenue by 8% - 27% in 45 days
Matt Shelton
The power of SMART goals and time blocking combined to help you achieve more in less time. Easily break down your projects into manageable tasks by allocating time slots to work on them. Integrate your Google Calendar too and make this your new Notion Hub!
Notion Time Blocking Template
Notion Time Blocking Template
Save 30 days a year with Notion 1st time blocking template
Matt Shelton
Are you tired of endless job applications with no results? This secret has helped folks land multiple job offers in 60 days. This innovative approach will help you stand out, attract the attention of hiring managers, and negotiate the best job offer possible.
How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job
How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job
Land 5 job offers with untold method for job hunting.