Marvin Tunji-ola

Marvin Tunji-ola

Building Diarupt AI. You'll love it.
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Marvin Tunji-ola
Personas are Human-like AI assistants designed to handle face-to-face conversations fluidly. They look, sound, and converse like we do, making them more personal and engaging. Design your own Persona for any use case and connect your knowledge from sources.
Persona 1.0
Persona 1.0
Automate with interactive, human-like AI
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Congrats! How are tackling the new policies by search engine against AI generated content.
Harness the power of AI and SEO to supercharge your business
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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What would you repeat, if you were to launch again?

I'll like know to what aspect of your previous launch would you repeat and why?
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Next-Level Foundational AI APIs to Supercharge Your Product.

Integrating and building with these AI APIs can add superpowers to your product. Deepgram - Fast & accurate speech-to-text API. PlayHT (Turbo 2.0) - Fast & realistic text-to-speech API Diarupt AI - Realtime video-based AI conversation API Midjourney...
Marvin Tunji-ola
Diarupt allows you to build real-time video-based AI interactions into your product. - Experience video interactions with AI so fluid you'll forget it's not human.
Diarupt AI
Diarupt AI
Build realtime video-based AI conversations
Marvin Tunji-ola
Bring the power of GPT-4 into your everyday writing right where you need it, whether on Gmail, LinkedIn, Twitter or anywhere else on the web.
Rewrote AI
Rewrote AI
Rethink everyday writing
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Launching Next Week and Full of Excitement & Mixed Feelings

I'll be launching Rewrote AI next week, and I'm pretty excited. However, I have mixed feelings about the launch. Despite spending a few months ensuring that it's suitable for launch amidst other hurdles, I'm worried about how valuable it will be to users. While I deeply believe it will be valuable, I prefer to work with measurable metrics rather than relying on beliefs and assumptions. I...