Mansoor Murtaza Shakir

Mansoor Murtaza Shakir

Full Stack Developer
2 points


Passionate Full Stack Developer at Zeeve. With a knack for blending creativity and functionality, I bring ideas to life from concept to deployment. Whether it's crafting seamless user experiences on the frontend or optimizing backend operations, I thrive on the dynamic challenges of web development. Outside of coding, you'll find me exploring new technologies, tinkering with side projects, and occasionally geeking out over the latest tech trends. I thrive in collaborative environments, bouncing ideas off colleagues and diving deep into problem-solving. At Zeeve, I'm committed to delivering top-notch solutions that exceed expectations and leave a lasting impact. Because, in our Zeeve world, we don't just follow trends; we create them! 🌐🎉


Engineering at Zeeve


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Zeeve
    Most Reliable & Secure Blockchain Infrastructure Platform
    Mar 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJuly 3rd, 2023