Mahmoud Aitelkatab

Mahmoud Aitelkatab

maker, community solutionist


Hi, welcome to my PH profile & thanks for following me. I'm an entrepreneur, maker & a community solutionist at the intersection of innovations, supply chain, marketing and brand development. Running 2 startups: the 1st was founded in 2016, now it's a media logistics startup for the aspiring supply chain professionals. The 2nd startup was founded (Areej Fragrance) in August 2022. My manifesto is to build a people-centric entrepreneurial legacy and doing community right by adding value to the right people. If you are interested to co-build a brand or want to hangout for a chat around community, then you are welcome, just send me a hi to


Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5