Uladzimir Lebiadzevich

Uladzimir Lebiadzevich

Full Stack Mobile Software Engineer
All activity
Uladzimir Lebiadzevich
Congratulations on the launch of version 2 and good luck today!
Web3 Antivirus Extension 2.0
Bring confidence and security to your Web3 transactions
Uladzimir Lebiadzevich
Good luck with your launch today!
App Mint AI
App Mint AI
Empower your creativity with AI text apps
Uladzimir Lebiadzevich
Take your mental well-being up to the next level together with Urso — your mindful companion! Embark on a space journey, assist Urso in exploring new realms, and build a home among the stars. Discover self-help techniques in a stress relieving, gamified way.
A mobile game that takes care of your mental health