Lauri Post

Lauri Post

Helping eCom boost profit & CX
9 points


Lauri quit his marketing and sales career around 10 years ago, freelanced a bit, and then founded a digital design agency Bitfiner over 7 years ago. On the way, he has worked with clients from 20+ countries, won over 10 design awards (European Design Awards 2021 - Silver, German Design Awards 2019-2021 etc), trained thousands of people in the Grow with Google series, given speeches in many eCommerce seminars, co-hosted several webinars. After 10 years in the user experience, design, and eCommerce business Lauri founded Wunderfront, to help more eCommerce businesses get more fuel for growth. And tap into the world of SaaS. Have a look and You can contact me directly


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

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