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Khushboo Gulabrai
Access the largest Lottie animation library on your mobile phone. Create motion stories, social posts, stickers, greetings & more. Highly customizable templates for holidays & share animations easily across your social media apps or as stickers on chat apps.
LottieFiles Mobile App
Mobile motion canvas to create posts, stories & stickers
Khushboo Gulabrai
Khushboo Gulabrai
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Amazing work! love the assets!
Thanksgiving Lottie, 3D, & Illustrations
Over 11,000 highly customizable Thanksgiving design assets
Khushboo Gulabrai
Explore updates to features you would love plus new tools for collaborating, editing, optimizing, and shipping Lottie animations.
An All-New LottieFiles
Easily collaborate, edit, optimize & ship Lottie animations
Khushboo Gulabrai
Introducing our library of highly customizable glTF 3D models. Take your pick & easily recolor them to your brand colors. Preview them with our 360° viewer & ship them across user interfaces, UI designs, videos, and more!
glTF 3D Models
Explore, view & edit glTF 3D models
Khushboo Gulabrai
Access 50,000+ free Lottie animations that you can add to any WordPress site. Customize playback options and explore many more features - all without code!
LottieFiles for WordPress
LottieFiles for WordPress
The easiest way to add free animations to WordPress