Kelley Griggs

Kelley Griggs

Founder of Britepeer and StartupNash
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Kelley Griggs
Kelley Griggs
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Congrats John and team!!
MarketerGrad by Pangea
Use AI to instantly match with top fractional marketers
Kelley Griggs
Britepeer is the innovative knowledge-sharing Slackbot that brings your enterprise teams and community members closer than ever before. Use Britepeer to ask for help under specific topics, and the bot will match you to people who have the skills to help.
Connect your team or community by skill
Kelley Griggs
No gatekeeping! The startup community should be open and accessible to anyone who wants to learn more about starting their business. Join our open group. The POV is Nashville/SE centric but anyone is welcome to join our conversation about startups and tech.
An open knowledge-sharing community of entrepreneurs
Kelley Griggs
Kelley Griggs
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Just bought it via Amazon, and super excited to read.
Create and Orchestrate
Create and Orchestrate
A guide to the journey from broke to successful entrepreneur
Kelley Griggs
Does your team work from home? Keep everyone looking professional with a custom branded background. Generate custom branded backgrounds for company wide remote team branding during Zoom video calls.
Screen Brander
Screen Brander
A branded background for your remote team's Zoom calls
Kelley Griggs
Southern/alpha is a website that keeps track of active startups in the Southeast US. Think of us as a guide to investment and entrepreneurship in underestimated communities not traditionally known for tech.
AngelList meets field guide for startups in the South.
Kelley Griggs

LaunchLetter is an interview from fellow founders/CEOs sending words of encouragement on the importance of incremental progress and positive habits. Five questions, five minute read, delivered Friday mornings at 5:00am CDT.

A weekday morning email for people starting a business.