Kavan Sabnani

Kavan Sabnani

Staff Product Manager at Mixpanel
8 points
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Kavan Sabnani
You can now embed Mixpanel across your favorite product tools like Figma, Coda, Jira, Miro, and more. Specifically, Mixpanel Boards and reports can be embedded in any third party tool that supports embedding, unlocking integrations with many apps at no additional cost.
Embeddable reports
Embeddable reports
Embed Mixpanel in third-party apps like Figma, Coda, & more
Kavan Sabnani
We’re excited to introduce Mixpanel Boards, an expressive workspace for collaborative and aligned decision-making. Unlike an inflexible dashboard that only shows product metrics, Boards empowers teams to share complete context and dig into the data together.
Mixpanel Boards
Mixpanel Boards
Make better product decisions together