James Chu

James Chu

POB / Startup / technology enthusiast.
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What is the point of socializing?
Shushant Lakhyani
Do you think AI will saturate social media content?
Shushant Lakhyani
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James Chu
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James Chu
Do you need a chatbot that you can train based on your own data?
James Chu
James Chu
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Do you need a chatbot that you can train based on your own data?

Hello Hunter's Our team has developed a chatbot ( https://gptbase.ai ) that can be trained using its own data. It can read electronic documents and website content (such as Q&A 、API documents & Papers, Literature, etc.) and can answer any question about the training data that I ask. Additionally, it can quickly find relevant content and provide detailed information. GPTbase.ai for ...