Haechan Lee

Haechan Lee

Full Stack Dev, iOS Dev Expert.
2 points
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Haechan Lee
Kanban based project management tool designed to enhance decision-making and team productivity. Providing real-time data-driven insights of team performance and predictions on timelines. Make agile, informed decisions with Ogoodo.
Team Speedometer. Project Management with Kanban Board.
Haechan Lee
Haechan Lee
started a discussion

Deciding go or hold based on waitlist metrics

How do you tell whether to proceed or to drop the project based on your waitlist metrics? Do you set your own goal like 20% submission rate? How do you tell if it's going to be a big hit or not?
Haechan Lee
Haechan Lee
left a comment
Korea, 새해 복 많이 받으세요! it means 'Good luck to you in new year' in Korean
Olena Bomko
Happy New Year, PH community! Where are you from?
Haechan Lee
Notibalsa is a shortcut for implementing Push Notification and In-App Inbox. It comes with prebuilt inbox UI and powerful mark-as-read feature helping developers accomplish full-featured notification center easily.
Push Notification API with User Inbox