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Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
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Congratulations on the launch!!
Remote office with telepresence effect
Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
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Launched Job Application Answer Generator Today! love to have your feedback and support 🙏

Answering these questions specific to the company and your resume was time-consuming, so we made a tool that'll do it for us 🤩 We built this feature based on feedback from our community and countless hours of understanding the pain points of job applicants. Here's the link to the launch: We'd love it if you would try it out...
Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
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I work from home for 3 weeks and 1 week from office. Find this a good balance between two
Relja Denic
What do you prefer more working - from home, from office or combined?
Hardik Grover
Specific questions like "Why do you want to work for us?" are common in job applications. Simply feed in the job description to our Answer generator, and our AI will generate a concise, catchy, and short response for those little text blocks in applications!
Job Application Answer Generator
Job Application Answer Generator
AI tailored job application answers
Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
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We're launching this week!!
Olena Bomko
Is anyone going to launch soon? Share your product here 👇
Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
started a discussion

Let's Talk User Acquisition Strategies – What's Worked for You?

I'll start. We hit the ground running by targeting specific communities related to our niche. For instance, our product, Eztrackr, helps you organize your job application process, so we targeted the tech upskilling platforms like Scaler and various computer science groups on Reddit. 🖥️ The result? On some days, our user count skyrocketed by 100 ! 🚀 What are your go-to user acquisition...
Hardik Grover
Hardik Grover
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@harshdip Looking forward to launch Eztrackr on PH!!!
Harshdip Singh Deogan
People who are launching soon, is this your first project?
Harshdip Singh Deogan
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