Ghadeer R.  Majeed

Ghadeer R. Majeed

Founder & CEO of GRE Development Ltd.
10 points
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Ghadeer R.  Majeed
Don't fall victim to fraud, safeguard your app's financial security with our cutting-edge AI-based fraud prevention technology. You can use the service for FREE with our 15k monthly requests plan, then you can upgrade your plan to have up-to 90m requests/mo.
Greip: Fraud Prevention
Greip: Fraud Prevention
Deploy AI-Powered modules to prevent fraud and abuse
Ghadeer R.  Majeed
Ghadeer R. Majeed
started a discussion

How do you think IP Geolocation services can be better and more useful?

According to my experience in and according to customers feedback, I found that this kind of services is one of the main steps of launching a new website or service that should be protected from fraud (in general). So, I asked myself about the next step to make it even better 🤔. Then, I created this discussion to be as a reference for us and any other service provider that need to...
Ghadeer R.  Majeed
Ghadeer R. Majeed
left a comment
Congrats on the launch, good luck 🎉
Launch an investment fund for your audience in under 2 weeks
Ghadeer R.  Majeed
Ghadeer R. Majeed
left a comment
Just wanted to try it and now I can't leave 😂 I found very interested projects here and I met very kind people here in PH 💙
Why do you love product hunt? What is the benefit you take from this community?
Alara Akcasiz
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Ghadeer R.  Majeed helps you keep your website/app secure and safe by detecting fraud and abuse. Lookup any IP Address and retrieve its informations in less than a sec! Greip is used to customise website content, enforce GDPR compliance, detect security threats, etc.
Helps you to protect your website/app from fraud & abuse