Fred Wulff

Fred Wulff

Engineering @ Streak
64 points
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Fred Wulff
The best way to send personalized mass emails with follow-up sequences:
✨ automatically send follow-ups with recipients who don't reply
👋 looks and feels personal
⚠️ smart alerts
🔋 optimize for replies
🏠 lives entirely inside Gmail
Streak Mail Merge for Gmail
Streak Mail Merge for Gmail
Send mass, personalized emails with automatic followups
Fred Wulff
Streak is the CRM your team will actually use. Streak:
➕ scans your inbox to suggest leads
✨ automatically logs your team's email interactions
⚠️ alerts you when you're about to email someone who is already emailing w/ your team
🏠 lives entirely inside Gmail
Streak 3
The "low-work" CRM inside Gmail
Fred Wulff

Streak Gmail Addon for iOS and Android is a new way to access all of your important Streak data from right inside the Gmail native apps (iOS and Android)

Streak Gmail Addon for iOS and Android
Streak Gmail Addon for iOS and Android
Streak has a new home inside the native Gmail Mobile Apps