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Vodify is a Video-Based social network where anyone can ask and answer questions. Once you ask a question, a private video chat is immediately initiated with someone who can answer your question.
Video-Based Q&A with real people
Powerful datasets on 1.5 Billion customers to build highly effective marketing campaings and reach your entire audience. For more information on our data points and coverage, please refer to our site.
Custom Campaigns by Datawhale
Custom Campaigns by Datawhale
Market to the right customers using big data
Datawhale builds custom datasets containing key information on customers in your target market. We have over 1 Billion personal email addresses, 420 Million LinkedIn URLs, 1 Billion Facebook URLs/IDs, and much more.
Datawhale Custom Audiences
Datawhale Custom Audiences
Powerful data on everyone in your target market
We are a data science company - use our products and associated database of 1.5 billion person records to build enriched or new person profiles into your apps, products, and tools.
Powerful data on 1.5 billion people

Datawhale is a data science company offering flat files for people intelligence. Use our products and associated database of 1.5 billion person records to build enriched or new person profiles into your apps, products, and tools.

Powerful data on 1.5 billion people