Emily Hernandez

Emily Hernandez

EdTech Enthusiast
7 points
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Emily Hernandez
Emily Hernandez
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Retention rates and organic growth are the real tells.
Harris Cheng
What's the best sign of getting Product Market Fit?
Emily Hernandez
Emily Hernandez
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Following on this thread, Want to learn more.
Vincent Lonij
Any tips on how to best communicate value on a landing page?
Vincent Lonij
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Emily Hernandez
Emily Hernandez
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Team dynamics is much more important for me.
George Kalandadze
Happy Monday Hunters! How do you prefer to work, in a team or by yourself?
George Kalandadze
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Emily Hernandez
Emily Hernandez
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Friends often have different skills, leading to a diverse problem-solving approach.
Zoe Stetsenko
Is it ok to start a startup with a friend, or is it better to avoid making him a business partner?
Zoe Stetsenko
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