Ed Mitchen

Ed Mitchen

I build beautiful websites
33 points
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Webflow, always.
Ghulam Abbas
What are the best no-code website builders?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Early mornings for yoga and meditation 🌟💖
Milli Sen
Do you dedicate time for your hobbies? What are they?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Ghulam Abbas
What would your occupation be if you lived 100 years ago?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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You should focus on consistency, not perfection. Aim for daily participation, even if it's short.
Share some Tips to maintain PH Streak. I always loss it before hitting 100 :(
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Evening time is best for me...
Archana Jha
What time of day do you find most productive for writing?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Check my phone for messages or notifications.
Abdullah Ghazlani
The first thing you do when you wake up?
Abdullah Ghazlani
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Artist! Create something beautiful & express my heart freely. ️
Judah Baxter
If you could switch careers with someone for a week, who would it be and why?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Turtle or hamster.
Kenda Thomas
What animal do you want to take up as your pet?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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A big house.
Jerry Twin
What do you want to achieve in your life?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Every founder has to think it as his prior and ethical duty.
Umar Saleem
AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Think creatively
Lindsay Davis
Which human skill will never be replaced by AI?
Lindsay Davis
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Feeling the weekend vibes!
Apostolos Toptsis
Happy Fri-YAY! How's it going?
Apostolos Toptsis
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Staying positive and productive the whole week.
What is your plan for new week? Any progress in your project?
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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LinkedIn is better for career development and Twitter is better for personal branding.
What works better for you, LinkedIn or Twitter?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Hello and good morning! How did you spend your weekend?
Amber Gardener
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Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Be supportive and helpful, and look for ways to contribute to the team.
savio lavino
How do you collaborate with your team members?
Ed Mitchen
Ed Mitchen
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Jeffery Kaneda
What Chrome extensions do you find very useful?
Jeffery Kaneda
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