Vipul Agarwal

Vipul Agarwal

Research Analyst @ Goodera
20 points
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Vipul Agarwal
Karma, is a Zoom App powered by Goodera which helps teams to do good, feel good during their Zoom meetings. Attendees can take simple actions together to support a cause they care about supported by nonprofit partners across 100+ countries, in just 10 minutes!
Karma by Goodera
Helping teams to do good, feel good during their Zoom calls
Vipul Agarwal
Vipul Agarwal
started a discussion

Virtual Volunteering - your thoughts and experiences?

Hello to all the hunters, makers, and generally curious folks out there. Making the world a better place is preceded by making somebody else's world just a little better, bit by bit. I think virtual volunteering is a phenomenon that is here to stay and make a visible dent in how we look at doing good. Have you ever volunteered virtually? If yes, please do share your thoughts and...