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Alexis Thobellem
Alexis Thobellem
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Extraordinary !!!
Spoke GPT-4
AI meetings answers & minutes backed-up by video reels
Alexis Thobellem
Spoke is a child of the new videomeeting culture. It allows you to record, transcribe, highlight, AI summarize and finalize meeting notes from any videocall on Zoom, Teams, Meet - or async!. Spoke also offers workspaces, a search engine and granular sharing.
Your best meeting companion on Zoom, Teams, and Meet
Alexis Thobellem
A real efficient note taking app based on databases. Beautiful, clean, fluid, complete, it's a must. You can build templates of notes, defining each field, Formbook has also automatic reports of what's in your notes ! Love it !
Revolutionary note taking app for iOS & Mac devices