Denis Zhitnyakov

Denis Zhitnyakov

Founder. Going to IPO 🚀
1 point


Hi! My obsession is launching products. I've already managed to successfully launch two products and build a team of 70 people. Launching these products required me to fulfill the role of primarily COO for the last 3 years. And this is how we were able to achieve $6,000,000 in annual revenue with 30,000 MAU. Now our mission is to go IPO by 2027. And so now. By this point, I was able to delegate all operational tasks and begin to fulfill the role of CEO. A role that primarily involves external business development and expansion. That is why I am here. I follow the market. I'm looking for ideas. I am looking for opportunities to launch new products. And I'm looking for new business partnerships. Feel free to email me at or on Telegram @zhitnyakovda


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking