Darko Duric

Co-founder & CEO. Building selfcare app.
11 points


I have achieved world championship and Paralympic success despite facing numerous challenges throughout my athletic journey. My personal experiences have taught me the importance of rehabilitation in overcoming injuries and setbacks. That's why I am thrilled to introduce FroomCare Pro, a platform that reflects my passion for making rehabilitation accessible and efficient for everyone. Using my own experiences, I know how crucial consistent at-home exercises are for recovery. With FroomCare Pro, I aim to connect professionals with those seeking recovery to ensure that everyone has the best chance at regaining their health and potential.


Founder & Leadership at Froomcare


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • FroomCare Pro
    Digital platform for rehabilitation at home environment
    Oct 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJuly 3rd, 2023