Daniel Paul

Daniel Paul

Dev, designer, founder and indie-hacker.
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Daniel Paul
Daniel Paul
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Congrats on the launch! Love the keyboard shortcuts for everything!
Task manager for high performance pros
Daniel Paul
Daniel Paul
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Such a clever idea!
Generate timelines for any topic with AI
Daniel Paul
AI-driven cookie management for your site. Auto-scan, categorise, fill missing info, and generate dynamic policies. Streamline user consent effortlessly. 🍪 ✨
Modern cookie compliance powered by AI
Daniel Paul
CharityCrypto was a weekend project to help give back to some causes we care about. Initially we had planned for some other charities but given the recent events in Ukraine we decided to give to charities directly helping Ukrainian civilians.
CharityCrypto 🇺🇦
CharityCrypto 🇺🇦
100 AI Dream NFTs. 100% to charity.
Daniel Paul
Daniel Paul
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Love it! When is it available for other regions outside of UK & USA?
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