Bethany Ren

Bethany Ren

Founder of wrkaholic AI
5 points


Alright, let's cut to the chase. You know those marketing folks who have killer ideas but don't know how to bring them to life? And the tech whizzes who can code up anything but struggle to get their first set of users? Well, I'm the best of both worlds. I've got the tech know-how to build stuff and the marketing expertise to get it out there. I've been at this since I was 14, launched my own thing in 2009, and have been in the startup world since 2015. Think of me as the Swiss Army knife of founders – I've got a tool for every job. But the real trick up my sleeve? Knowing I can't do it all alone. I've got a knack for pulling together a killer team and handing off the baton when needed.


Founder & Leadership at


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Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5