Cláudia Belchior

Cláudia Belchior

Co-founder @ House of Marbel
2 points
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Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Belchior
started a discussion

Honest feedback is needed: what you think about this website?

Hello everyone! 😊 We've just launched our website and would greatly appreciate some honest reviews. Your feedback means a lot to us. Thank you for taking the time!
Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Belchior
started a discussion

What is more sustainable for clothing?

Since my partner and I began exploring sustainable fashion, we've come across a question that's been on our minds. We'd really like to hear what you think about it. If we were to take out the demand vs supply factor and focus solely on clothing, what do you think is more sustainable? A clothing item that lasts longer but it is not recycled, or a clothing item that is recycled but lasts less time?