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If you are using the Gutenberg editor of WordPress and want to add ads between your content, this article is for you!
Save your energy learning HTML knowledge- Ads in Content got you sorted.
Ads In Content
Ads In Content
The plugin makes it easier for you to put ads on your posts
Çağdaş DAĞ
The Carbon tool discovers the corresponding 200 response codes for the 404 URL list you have uploaded.
💻 Similarity Algorithm + 🔍 SERPs = 🤩 Relevant URLs
1⃣ Migrations without URLs to redirect. 🤡
2⃣ Regaining link juice of forgotten 404s. 🥤
Carbon - SEO URL Mapping
Carbon - SEO URL Mapping
Finds the corresponding 200 response codes for your 404 URLs
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Automating Mobile First Indexing controls for your websites.

Mobile First Index Checker
Mobile First Index Checker
mobile first indexing, mfi, seo, mobile, google