Rafael Mendes

Rafael Mendes

Freelancer and technology enthusiast.


Hello! I'm Rafael Mendes from Mozambique! I'm 21 years old IT junior working as freelancer as of now. What I like most is to code any stuff in programming languages I know, and I keep honing my skills to satisfy the market needs. Whenever I can I learn new programming language. I also work on digital marketing, especially for my own works. The fact is, I need to promote and convince people to use my services and products in inexpensive methods. I don't have much money to waste on digital marketeers. So I guess I need to have countermeasures to survive in the market.



Maker History

  • WhatsApp Status Saver
    WhatsApp Status Saver
    Save your favorite social media app status with this blazing fast app!
    May 2022
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 17th, 2022