Brima Manso Bangura

Brima Manso Bangura

Co-founder (RateMyNFT)
4 points
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Brima Manso Bangura
Brima Manso Bangura
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Congratulations Bryan. Job well done
Dollar Talent
Dollar Talent
Crazy affordable: talented writers & designers
Brima Manso Bangura
Brima Manso Bangura
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Anyone here owns an NFT project/collection? We have a cool new product for you to test RateMyNFT: We have built the world’s first trust platform for NFT projects. Why: Aren’t you sick and tired of getting scammed from NFT projects? Getting scammed sucks and it is a painful experience. Anyone can fake an NFT project. As more and more people get into NFTs, fake NFT projects will continue to increase, and will...
Brima Manso Bangura
Are you tired of getting scammed from NFT projects? We are building the world's first NFT trust platform. RateMyNFT is a platform that allows users to contribute ratings, reviews, upvotes, and discover NFT collections.
The YELP for NFT projects