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Lily Debeyter
Explore, a new feature from Brandwatch, helps you to quickly discover new insights about your brand.
Explore: Discover new insights
Explore: Discover new insights
Learn what people really think about your brand.
Lily Debeyter

Iris is the first AI-Analyst for social data.

It automatically analyzes peaks in your dataset and explains what caused conversation to grow.

It works by:

1. Detecting the signficant peaks in your dataset

2. Analyzing them for key drivers of that peak

3. Displays that insight in simple language next to your data

An AI-Analyst to discover smarter insights from social data.
Lily Debeyter

Benchmark instantly reveals how you’re actually performing and why.

It analyzes social data - including your brands, products, influencers, sentiment, or even audience demographics - and compares an instant historical average.

Plus, you can benchmark that data against your competitors to truly measure performance.

Benchmark from Brandwatch
Benchmark from Brandwatch
The visualization for better social media insights
Lily Debeyter

Explore + Entities is the fastest and easiest way to gather social insights.

Explore lets you apply expert-built filters to your data to discover insights in seconds.

Entities automatically categorizes your data instantly using intelligent NLP.

Watch the 60 second video:

Explore + Entities
Explore + Entities
The intelligence of a veteran social analyst, in a click.