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    Conversational AI
Conversational AI
  • Remove language barriers and reach global audience with award-winning language technology services.
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  • AI "Employees" for hire. Stork is a collaboration Workspace for Human Teams & AI Agents working together. Add a Marketeer AI, a Lawyer AI, or any other AI Professional from our AI Marketplace to your Team.
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  • Albus uses GPT-4 to build a comprehensive knowledge base from Google Driveᵀᴹ, Notion and more, making information easily accessible with natural language queries. HOW IT WORKS: 1. Train Albus to recognize your internal company docs. Quick and easy, you only need to do it once. 2. Once trained, you can start asking questions directly in Slack. Albus will search your company docs and provide most relevant answers. 3. As more people use Albus, it will continue to learn and improve its responses.
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  • Meet the SendPulse chatbot integration with ChatGPT technology from Open AI. Use it for chatbot replies generated using a neural network. Your chatbot will simulate a human manager who is ready to answer the client's queries. Use GPT-3 for Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp chatbots. 
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    AI Chatbots in Messengers