Anthony C

Anthony C

Big four consultant. Tech enthusiast.
14 points
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Anthony C
Key features: - Accepts a wide range of (lengthy) documents including PDF, PPT, Word, website, etc - Extracts relevant paragraphs with keywords highlighted - Enhancing your understanding with a broader answer and other relevant follow up questions and topics
Knowlery AI
Knowlery AI
To explore the how and why rather than a focus on the answer
Anthony C
A productivity booster to automatically find relevant photos and videos for content creators, students and professionals. It uses AI to analyse content, identify relevant topics and find free and relevant visual media to be used in articles, reports and videos
Element Hunter
Element Hunter
Auto search relevant photos and videos for content creators
Anthony C
Your own personalized knowledge-based question-answering assistant powered by machine learning. Together with your domain-specific inputs, it extracts relevant contexts from lengthy documents to help you understand key concepts effectively and quickly.
Second Intelligence
Second Intelligence
Extract relevant context of concepts you want to understand