Ankit Seth

Ankit Seth

App Developer and UI Designer
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Ankit Seth
Calculate Tip: Easily calculate the tip on your bill.
Split Bill: Want to split the bill and tip amongst friends? No problem! Just enter the number of people and this tip calculator app gives you the amount each person needs to pay.
Tip Calculator
Calculate Tip, Split Bill
Ankit Seth
Calculate Age in Years, Months and Days
Time left till next birthday
Interesting stats around your age
Share details with friends and family easily
Age Calculator
Age calculator, time till next birthday, share life stats
Ankit Seth

Bank Balance Check [India] is an android app to check your bank balance across all bank account anytime-anywhere. No Sign-Up/Login required. It used missed calls and USSD to perform basic banking tasks. You can check your balance, request mini account statement, transfer money via UPI, access bank's net banking page, search nearby ATMs and more.

Bank Balance Check [India]
All Banks -1 Place. Check your bank balance anytime-anywhere