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Say goodbye to uninspired meals! Fridge Leftovers AI empowers you to unlock the potential of your fridge's bounty. Simply snap a photo of your leftovers, and let our intelligent AI suggest mouthwatering recipes tailored to your ingredients.
Fridge Leftovers AI
Fridge Leftovers AI
Unlock Your Fridge's Potential
Our coloring pages are designed to be a delightful avenue for fostering creativity in children. By customizing with their names & affirmations, your child not only engages in the joy of creating vibrant artwork but also experiences a boost in self-confidence.
 My Personal Coloring Pages
My Personal Coloring Pages
Generate personalized coloring pages for your kids
The WordPress plugin Magazin allows you to generate print-ready PDFs from one or multiple posts/pages. The plugin also allows you to render PDFs from any custom post types you have in your WordPress installation.
Magazine a WordPress Plugin for PrintCSS
Magazine a WordPress Plugin for PrintCSS
Create print-ready PDFs from WordPress with PrintCSS.
Another HTML to PDF API you might ask, yes! Other APIs usually lack even minimal CSS Paged Media support. Some of them support the @page rule and nothing else. PrintCSS Cloud supports most of the features defined in CSS Paged Media.
PrintCSS Cloud
PrintCSS Cloud
HTML to PDF API with Print CSS Support
Converting Colors allows you to convert between 15 different color formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL, CIELab, Decimal, and YUV.

Additionally, we offer tools around colors and working with colors in CSS; like the CSS Gradient Generator, Mass Conversion.
Converting Colors
Converting Colors
Color Conversion between 15 Formats.
The PrintCSS Playground! Test your code with the best CSS Paged Media rendering tools out there!
I have AH Formatter, DocRaptor, Prince, PagedJS, PDFreactor,, Vivliostyle, and WeasyPrint for you to try out!
An online editor for CSS Paged Media with PDF output.
A free, fast, and straightforward way to record your screen. All you need is a modern web browser like Chrome, Edge, or Brave to start recording!
Once you are have finished, you can download the complete recording or any chunk as WebM or GIF file.
WebM and GIF! Screen Recording!
On this website, I show you the rendering results of different html2pdf tools. I compare mPDF,, PDFreactor, wkhtmltopdf, WeasyPrint, Prince, and Puppeteer.
A comparison of different html2pdf tools.
Are you new to web dev & want to know how to express colors in CSS? Then this booklet is for you!
It helps you understand the syntax, for example, the RGB functional & hex notation. You will learn new ways to express colors to prepare for the future!
A CSS color notation guide.
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Helps you understand the RGB, Hex and HSL color notation.
This page will explain the color notations for RGB, Hex and HSL in a visual way.
Helps you understand the RGB, Hex and HSL color notation.