Ahtisham Ali

Ahtisham Ali

Software engineer at coues solution
64 points
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Ahtisham Ali
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Set goals.
Hassan Masood
Would you like to share some valuable tips for successful startups?
Hassan Masood
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Ahtisham Ali
Ahtisham Ali
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Diversity Improves the culture of the organization
Waqas Sarwar
What are benefits of workforce diversity ?
Ahtisham Ali
Ahtisham Ali
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Share positive feedback.
Salman Qureshi
How to motivate your employees ?
Salman Qureshi
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Ahtisham Ali
Ahtisham Ali
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uniform is mandatory like school
Tayyab Ashraf
What is the most pointless rule in your college?
Tayyab Ashraf
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Ahtisham Ali
Ahtisham Ali
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Get regular exercise.
muhammad bilal ahmad
What are some of the best life tips?
muhammad bilal ahmad
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Ahtisham Ali
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