Anna K

Anna K

Senior Content Marketer at FlippingBook
All activity
Anna K
Integrate Zapier and FlippingBook to streamline your content marketing tasks: connect to essential business tools like your CRM, Slack, or email platform to manage leads automatically, get important notifications, and even create trackable links.
Zapier and FlippingBook Integration
Zapier and FlippingBook Integration
Seamless No-Code Marketing Workflow Automation
Anna K
Get insights about the usage of AI in content marketing. We surveyed over 650 professionals to see which content they prefer—texts and images created by AI or by people. What made our research unique was that the surveyees weren’t aware AI was involved at all.
AI in Content Marketing Research Report
AI in Content Marketing Research Report
Discover which content people prefer—made by AI or by people
Anna K
Anna K
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I always call it a workation :)
Antoni Kozelski
👋🏽 Hey there Product Hunt fam❗️
Antoni Kozelski
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Anna K
FlippingBook App helps streamline different tasks your sales team handles on a day-to-day basis. Have all the documents at your fingertips, share them in one tap, and track how a lead interacts with your sales collateral for effective, timely follow-ups. 💙
FlippingBook App
FlippingBook App
Share and track sales collateral on the go
Anna K
Anna K
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Congrats on your launch! Your product sounds really great!
Your ideas become visually compelling branded social posts