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HoussemTN CODE WANTS TO BE SIMPLE is an initiative to help the upcoming arabic programmers with the code.We will help programmers build up concepts in different technologies that include Symfony 5, Javascript, API REST, Flutter, MySQL,Python and much more..
Free Coding Tutorials
- The size does not exceed 11MB
- Search for a surah
- Clear and zoomable font
- Possibility of marking
- Surah index
- Classification of the Surah
- The screen is always on
- If the program is closed at a specific page, you can continue reading
The Noble Quran - القرآن الكريم
The Noble Qur’an - Hafs from Asim [Arabic Edition]
Locativity gives you the best available location, based on the geolocation data of all location providers available at the moment including GPS and WiFi.
And automatically detects weather forecasts in your current location.
Location Activity - Locativity
Location Activity - Locativity
Your current position and weather forecasts...