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50 Reviews
Rahul Jain
Rahul Jain
Great docs and coverage

Louys Hong
Louys Hong
Can't wait to see more and more fitness applications blossom from this product

Matt Williamson
Matt Williamson
Super dev friendly API platform with tremendous wearable coverage, keep it up guys 🔥

Ruby Styles
Ruby Styles
Very interesting idea, excited to connect my Apple Watch to grab my health data

Elsa Papa
Elsa Papa
Really great idea, can’t wait to get the data.

Tyler Wisby
Tyler Wisby
I want to be a marketer and be earning money easily so i can share this for my friends

Simona Rawat
Simona Rawat
Very complicated

Md. Din Islam
Md. Din Islam

Sahil Jogi
Sahil Jogi

Mahendra Raana
Mahendra Raana
I love