Stream Chat

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82 Reviews
Jenny Zhang
Jenny Zhang
@bridgerchat It is very helpful services

Prince Panchani
Prince Panchani
Awesome Product

AI Prompts World
AI Prompts World

Ankur Singh
Ankur Singh

Roland Ligtenberg
Roland Ligtenberg
Recommended this product

As we begin to build out our community inside our app, this is what we are using.

Recommended this product

We might build this in as our main chat functionality for our community based electric vehicle sharing platform launching later this year. Assuming there will be a lot of chatting so this is great. Thanks for building it! #techstars

Michael Ducker
Michael Ducker
Recommended this product

Very responsive developers and customer service.

Breffni Potter
Breffni Potter
Recommended this product
My eyes are bouncing, there is so much detail on the website, the screenshots, so much to read. It is an excellent offering and solves a problem. I am seriously struggling with the messaging and pitch. Maybe go back to basics and decide what type of person you are trying to reach? If devs have a dev user journey just for devs, if decision-makers, have a user journey for them, right now it seems like you are trying to please both groups at once. The home page of the app is so much better then what is here, but the link we get directed to is so jam-packed with content. Got here via a promoted post FYI.

Amin Mahboubi
Amin Mahboubi
Recommended this product

This is a well designed, well thought product that help you add chat feature to your app in a day, it comes with amazing ease and speed.

Tai Rattigan
Tai Rattigan
Recommended this product
Love how Stream is helping Product teams improve their product functionality, user experience AND remain focussed on their core competency! These are superpowers for Product teams.