Shake SDK

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43 Reviews
Divyanshu Negi
Divyanshu Negi

Recommended this product
Hey ?makers! Love Shake for bug reporting (not yet a client). I think it would be very valuable if you would do a walkthrough video of Shake (how does it look like on mobile, what can the user see, frontend etc.). All the best and thanks a lot! p.s. @petechats Do you offer any discount for product hunters? Would be awesome!

Marin Luetic
Marin Luetic
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Shake is a great help to easily and seamlessly report issues in our mobile app. It's simple to use and provides all the information we need to debug an issue.

Fredric Cliver
Fredric Cliver
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Petra Gluhak
Petra Gluhak
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It's been a wild ride, can't wait for the feedback on those crashes! Rock on team!

Olga Collins
Olga Collins
Recommended this product
It looks use-full, I will forward this to my developers.

Dominik Tomicevic
Dominik Tomicevic
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Contrats on the launch! :)

Emre Gül
Emre Gül
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Sanjin Grahovar Sadikovic
Sanjin Grahovar Sadikovic
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Silvija Gustec
Silvija Gustec
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