Primer Library

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30 Reviews
Evgeniya Skoptsova
Evgeniya Skoptsova
Great design!

Julian Weisser
Julian Weisser
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Super useful resources - I know many will benefit from you getting these resources out ahead of schedule. Library seems great for homeschooling or for anyone stuck at home with kids looking to do something fun and educational. @delk what is the biggest misconception around homeschooling?

Kyle Tibbitts
Kyle Tibbitts
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Super excited about what the Primer team is building here. Arming parents who are navigating homeschool for the first time with these tools is super relevant and top-of-mind right now but is just the beginning. Very bullish on the mission of building an education experience for kids personalized for their unique abilities and would love for my 2-year-old daughter take advantage of something like this when she's a bit older.

Ben Stanfield
Ben Stanfield
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Couldn't think of better timing for Primer to release their Homeschool Navigator tool. This is relevant and useful. Excited to see how this colors the future of education! ?makers what's up next? would love to see a public roadmap on

Vikram Rajagopalan
Vikram Rajagopalan
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Understanding regulations and resources would be tough along federal, state and local levels, and frustrating when it comes to how you teach and guide your own child. Cool to see a team laser-focused on making this a better experience

Austin Diamond
Austin Diamond
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Really excited about this! Going to save a lot of parents a lot of time and effort as everyone makes a foray into homeschooling at the moment. As someone that never experienced traditional schooling that really fit for me, I'm bullish that the student outcomes here will be phenomenal. Looking forward to seeing this take off.

zain allarakhia
zain allarakhia
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I think its awesome that it segments learning experiences by medium (e.g. video, app, game, etc.).

Cory Mikell
Cory Mikell
Recommended this product
Perfect timing for these resources! So many people are rethinking what education looks like for their kids right now and I’m excited for what’s to come from the Primer team.

John Exley
John Exley
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Lenny Rachitsky
Lenny Rachitsky
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