Pirsch Analytics

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17 Reviews
Stefan Meyer
Stefan Meyer
Forget google analytics. Pirsch is a breath of fresh air.

★ Digital Corsaire ★
★ Digital Corsaire ★
This approach is really wise! By removing the cumbersome and often intrusive cookie banner, the user experience is greatly improved. No more struggling with those modal windows that clutter the interface and disrupt the browsing flow. The proposed solution is both simple and elegant. By respecting the user's implicit consent, it greatly enhances usability while remaining legal. It's a good compromise between regulatory compliance and engagement optimization. Furthermore, by avoiding this friction point, abandonment and bounce rates should decrease. Visitors will no longer have to endure this recurring annoyance and can fully focus on the content. A smooth, obstacle-free experience undoubtedly promotes better conversion rates. Overall, this pragmatic initiative combines privacy respect and user engagement improvement. A responsible approach that benefits all stakeholders. A real step in the right direction!

Daniel Zander
Daniel Zander
Best alternative to the big heavy analytics systems out there.

David Cooney
David Cooney
Pirsch Analytics is really cool 🏅🏅🏅🏅

Jonathan Gwyer
Jonathan Gwyer
Privacy friendly, cookie-free and a game changer for user understandability.

Andrew 💥
Andrew 💥
Great lightweight analytics that gives you a pease of mind. Used it for a couple of projects and love it. The only thing I would improve are complex filters. LIke filtering for country + page + source or other combinations. The way the filters are build now is very intuitive but on the other hand quite limited.

Lukáš Soukup
Lukáš Soukup
So far it works as expected.

Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje
After trying many analytics tools, only Pirsch met my needs. Pirsch is the most complete, beautiful and affordable analytics solution out there.

Bilyal Mestanov
Bilyal Mestanov
Great product, simple and effective!

Rishi Mohan
Rishi Mohan