Open Dialogue

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3 Reviews
Gernot Reiber
Gernot Reiber
Does not recommend this product

The dialog has a bit of natural feeling, but at some points the bot lacks of getting the right content and then the talk will loose value. Then it is hard to get back into the context. I'm happy to test it again, if you've learned more training sessions into your bot

Sandie Lafleur
Sandie Lafleur
Recommended this product

I've only used it one day, but great experience so far! The program helped me to slow my thinking down a little, and call attention to different aspects of the situation I was struggling with. It eventually leaded me uncovering a breakthrough in an important relationship. After a 40-45 minutes of dialogue, I was seeing the situation from a totally different perspective and it was very powerful.

Charlie Bohlen
Charlie Bohlen
Does not recommend this product