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5 Reviews
Skyler Bissell
Skyler Bissell
Recommended this product
Simple, useful, and timely. Thanks for compiling this! I would also recommend checking out as a potential addition to the 'stay in touch with friends' section. Similar to a few on there, but it's strictly web-based and uses SMS reminders rather than requiring an app download. Given how many people FB serves with their products, I think we will need tons of options for all kinds of people to replace it.

Gustavo Benedito Costa
Gustavo Benedito Costa
Does not recommend this product
As for Mastodon... Mastodon may be privacy-friendly, but does not accept alt-right, far-right and right-wing users. It will not tolerate any homophobic comments either. You have to explain the interested users, because the interested conservative and right-wing users can get wrong to use Mastodon without being aware of Mastodon's rules. Replace it for Minds, that may suit very well for them.

Recommended this product
This looks super interesting and well put together! Something we can all benefit from, I think. Thank you for posting

Ali Alsayed
Ali Alsayed
Recommended this product

Ilya Lesik
Ilya Lesik
Recommended this product