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46 Reviews
Miguel Piedrafita
Miguel Piedrafita
Recommended this product

The first book was awesome, the laracon talk also was, and I'm starting to think everything Justin does is worthy just because he made it.

Mark Horgan
Mark Horgan
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I found the course more useful than the book, though it might be an idea to get the book first to see if it's relevant to your needs.

Nick Loadholtes
Nick Loadholtes
Recommended this product

I'm using Justin's approach as I build my side hustle and it has really helped me get clear on what I'm doing.

Also, I met Justin at a conference this year and he is just as cool and genuine in person as he his in the book.

Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
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Paul Jarvis
Paul Jarvis
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Max Pshenichnikov
Max Pshenichnikov
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Justin supports me (I'm a developer) in my path to abandon my job, launch a business and live on my own terms

John Siwicki
John Siwicki
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Gary Bacon
Gary Bacon
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Silvio Bompan
Silvio Bompan
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