LeaksID Data Room

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41 Reviews
Dina Shestakova
Dina Shestakova
A really great product! Reccomend to use it! User-friendly interface, cool functionality and modern design. Our confidentional documents are in safety!

I can honestly say that this is the best product I have ever seen. Helps a lot with everything.

I tested your product and I want to note its advantages. First of all, it is unique – I have not met any others like it. Secondly, it is easy to use, and thirdly, it is reliable. Thank you for your efforts!

Contos E Lendas
Contos E Lendas
Amazing product, and super easy to navegate!

Rodger Kast
Rodger Kast
gonna try it

Nico Spijker
Nico Spijker

Recommended this product
?makers Congratulations on the launch! I have tried LeaksID (kudos to @julia_demyanchuk ) and was surprised to see how accurate it was! Great work, team :) I'm hoping this becomes an industry standard for companies -large and small :)

Alexey Shashkov
Alexey Shashkov
Recommended this product
I have tried LeaksID. I think that's a disruptive solution. Really. There is a big problem with illegal publications in the world. And LeaksID solves it very well! Good job, guys!

Cristian Toba
Cristian Toba
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Even though hidden watermarks to prevent unauthorized copying is an old idea, it's the first consumer oriented product that I see. Great job and congratulations with your launch!

Greg Z
Greg Z
Recommended this product
This is a really smart way to protect docs regarding leakage control and attribution. Good luck with your further traction!