iPhone X Web-Viewer

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28 Reviews
Prajwal Prasad
Prajwal Prasad
Does not recommend this product

Has promise. Needs to make a few UI changes starting with a Portrait mode and it'll be a lot better

Kailash Arya
Kailash Arya
Reviewed this product

It has wonder the notch in the viewer will look like this from left it should show the notifications and battery on left in landscape view.

John Forstmeier
John Forstmeier
Recommended this product

Solid and simple; easy to use. I like that it allows most of the site functionality once it has been brought up on the iPhone screen.

Thomas Evans
Thomas Evans
Does not recommend this product

Didn't work at all, just came up with an error page inside the phone

Does not recommend this product

This does not represent reality

Sina Meraji
Sina Meraji
Does not recommend this product

Some other hunters are complaining that even the landscape mode isn't accurate, I can't be sure, but I was particularly expecting it to let me test my website in vertical mode; and well it doesn't allow that

Bruce van Zyl
Bruce van Zyl
Does not recommend this product

tried with http:// and without... black screen.

Osman Ahmed
Osman Ahmed
Recommended this product

Jesús Bosque
Jesús Bosque
Does not recommend this product

Tested and doesn't work. Always Page not found

oulu me
oulu me
Does not recommend this product
